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Selected Publications / Ausgewählte Publikationen:

Modelling complete Dose-Response Curves for Methionine in Broilers.
Elwert C., Lemme A. & Redshaw M. (2009).
Poster Presentation European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Edinburgh, 23-27 August 2009.

Biological effectiveness of methionine hydroxy-analogue calcium salt in relation to DL-methionine in broiler chickens.
Elwert C., de Abreu Fernandes E. & Lemme A. (2008).
Reproduced with kind permission of Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science

Faecal alkane recoveries from multi-component diets and effects on estimates of diet composition in sheep.
Elwert C., Dove H. & Rodehutscord M. (2008). ANIMAL 2: 125-134.

A novel protein source: Maggot meal of the Black Soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) in broiler feed.
Elwert C., Knips I. & Katz P. (2010). 11th Symposium on Pig and Poultry Nutrition: 140-142.
>>Presented Poster<<.